Hostname User Account
Distro with systemd
Almost all modern Linux distro comes with systemd an init system used in Linux distributions to bootstrap the user space and to manage system processes after booting.
$ hostnamectl
Static hostname: gfs03
Icon name: computer-vm
Chassis: vm
Machine ID: beb217fbb4324b7d9959f78xxxxxxxxx
Boot ID: 123a3aa710314175aec7c54yyyyyyyyy
Virtualization: qemu
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
Kernel: Linux 4.10.0-40-generic
Architecture: x86-64
I am going to change gfs03 hostname to gfs-server-03:
$ hostnamectl set-hostname 'gfs-server-03'
Traditional way
2 files to modify /etc/hostname (or /etc/sysconfig/network) and /etc/hosts and then reboot.
updates in /etc/hosts are one particular line: From: old-host-name
To: new-server-name-here
create user account
useradd -m tim -s /bin/bash
useradd -m -d /test test
passwd test
su - test
useradd -m john -G accounts
useradd -G admins,webadmin,developers tecmint
usermod -aG sudo username
Written on April 30, 2018